Science Badge
WALT appreciate that science is a way of explaining the world. WALT build on prior knowledge and to share and examine our knowledge; to carry out experiments and simple investigations.
24** Describe and record the different aggressive behaviours of
24** Describe and record the different aggressive behaviours of
three types animals
Gray Wolf
The Gray wolf is a territorial animal that can be very vicious when defending their territory. The Gray Wolf is usually found in Alaska, all across Canada and in the northern parts of Greenland. While they once were found all across North America they have been removed from most parts of America. The Gray Wolf has a scientific name of Canis lupus. It usually kills large hoofed animals like Caribou that trespass. They are able to do this because they have strong bodies and bones. Another reason why they can do this is because, like other wolves they usually live in packs.
Rattlesnakes are a snake with a potent bite and a rattle on the end of it’s tail. Rattlesnake are aggressive because they have a competition between them and desert coyote. These two will fight over the smallest things such as pocket mouse for survival. When a predator comes close the rattlesnake rattles the rattle at the end of it’s tail and bites anything that gets close. Rattlesnakes are found from Western Canada to Central Argentina and a large majority of species live in American Southwest and in Mexico. 4 species may be found east of the Mississippi river.
The Leopard surprisingly is actually a scavenger. While the Leopard is commonly known as an animal that kills for food, they will and does actually scavenge. They are found across most areas of Africa. They also are found in the Eastern and Southern, and Southwestern parts of Asia. They are one of the most elusive and dangerous animals in the world.
** Write notes on 3 introduced animals e.g. possum, deer, goat, stoat, rat etc, stating the effect they have on our environment.
The Australian brushtail Possum were introduced to us 1837 for trading fur. Possums in Australia are native. Possums have affected us by killing tree,eating native birds and eggs. On the bright side we get free fur. To stop possums the government has decided to a poison called 1080. 1080 is a poison that affects all wildlife in the New Zealand by killing it and the money we’re wasting on it.It cost 10 Million dollars to drop 800 tonnes.There are much safer method such as kill traps,shooting them and trapping them.
A Stoat skinny furry rat that is a member of the mustelid family. Stoats were introduced to New Zealand in the 1880 to control introduced animals such as ferret,possum and rats, but unfortunately they have become a pest their self.
20** Find out the migrating patterns of a large animal e.g. wildebeest, caribou, whales. Show the migratory route on a map
*Take an interesting photo of a pet or animal you know
*** Make a scientific investigation of an animal owned or kept near you. Include its natural habitat, feeding patterns, housing care, condition.
Blue Heeler Cattle Dog
**Visit a wildlife park, sanctuary, vet clinic, RSPCA, city pound etc. Write about it.